This week Martha gets her first trip in the TARDIS, and meets William Shakespeare.
Oh yeah, Spoilers etc. blah, blah, blah.

So far this season is two for two for good episodes. This episode really felt like a classic episode for me. Not meaning that it will be remembered as a classic (although to some it might), but that it felt more like one of the episodes from the classic series. There was a nice mix of humor and scary bits, the meeting of historical figures, and witchcraft explained as a science different than our own.

One of the nitpicky things for me was the constant running jokes of the Doctor or Martha quoting the bard, and Shakespeare saying something along the lines of "Oh that's good, I'll use that." It was a bit annoying, while at the same time funny. I guess it's just one of those silly bits that you just let be, because it's Doctor Who.

The witches were fitting villains for an episode set in 1599, but how many ancient aliens that were banished before time began or whatever are there? And why do so many of them find a way back through Earth? Even though, and because, that is a plot device used many times in the past with Doctor Who, it adds to the classic feel.
Martha is developing into a good companion, and seems to be asking the same type of questions I would see myself asking. If I became a fictional character and started traveling with the Doctor that is.
Overall a fun episode, and hopefully a good sign of the season to come.
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