Thursday, November 8, 2007
Busy as a busy thing
Mid-October I got a seasonal job at a local KB Toys. This was like letting me loose in a toy store, 'cause, well, it is a toy store. One of the things I get to do is open all the boxes we get each week to price they toys. And while that may not sound too exciting, just imagine being in a room FILLED with boxes of toys, and tearing to them to see what you have. It's like x-mas every week! Of course it's a x-mas where most of the toys weren't what you asked for, are a couple years out of date, and most are cheap crap, but it's still opening boxes of toys! Toys you can't keep.
On top of that I finally got word back from a wedding photography/videography company about a potential editing job. They had asked me to edit together a 15 minute sample using some footage from a recent wedding they had shot. They liked what I did, so now I get to finish up that wedding video, and they'll be giving me more.
Also, about two weeks back (and not even two weeks into my job there) my manager from KB called to A. tell me that our store is being closed by January (bummer), and B. ask me if I would like to be an assistant manager until we close (not bad). I said sure thing, and promptly got tons more hours, and a pay increase. That's not too bad after only 6 actual work days.
So this week I need to finish up the first wedding video between working 38 hours at KB. Not that hard, but time consuming.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
IMDB me!

Looks like we finally got our movie "broken" up on IMDB (The Internet Movie Database). We are just one of 18 (as of writing) films with that title, so next time we need to come up with something a bit more unique me thinks.
This also means that I too have an entry on IMDB!
That's pretty sweet!
Now we just need to get the movie out to the masses. I know Derek and David are working on getting a distribution deal, and the latest I've heard is that we're getting close. Just nailing down some music rights and finalizing paperwork.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Jump on my head til it bleeds
I really, really like the books, so when I heard there was going to be a movie I was excited, and then worried. As with any book to film transition there is going to be changes. But they made some really big changes with this one.
In the original book, a teenaged Davey first learns of his ability to jump (aka teleport) when trying to get away from his physically abusive father. Through the two books he learns how to use his powers, falls in love, gets involved in thwarting some international terrorists, and tries to avoid an organization that has caught on to his unusual traveling capabilities. Throughout these books he is the only person to be able to teleport, and the government has one hell of a time trying to figure out what he is and how to detain him.
In this upcoming movie, he is but one of many teleporters that have been pursued throughout history by some secret society that kills any teleporters they find.
The original books had more than enough story to fill out a super exciting Hollywood crapfest,so I don't see why they had to add extra plot devices like this. Maybe if they made the first movie, and it did well, then wanted to expand upon it...
The author of the books, Steven Gould, wrote a new Jumper book to tie in with the new movie. Jumper: Griffin's Story gives the background for one of the newly fabricated characters for the movie. This book is as good as the original Jumper books, but obviously in a different universe than them. It all reminds me of the multitude of different universes in the comic book world.
After reading Griffin's Story I had higher hopes for the movie, knowing it wouldn't be a movie truly based on Gould's books, but inspired by them. But now after seeing the mess of a teaser they put up, I'm back to being worried it'll be any good.
I know the point of a teaser is to...tease, but all this was was a bunch of special effects strung together without any cohesive story.
In the end 20th Century Fox will most likely get my money, but I still think the fucked up perfectly fine story or three. Why must Hollywood keep saying "hey this is a really good/popular book, let's make it into a movie and change it from what made it so good."?
Monday, September 10, 2007
I don't understand you...

You are Akkadian, a blend of the incomprehensible symbols of the Sumerians with the unwritable sounds of the early Semitic peoples. However, the writing just doesn't suit the words and doesn't represent everything needed, so you end up a schizoid mess. Invented in Babylon, you're probably to blame for that tower story. However, crazy as you are, you're much loved and appreciated, and remain actively in use by records keepers long after schools have switched to other languages.
Link: The Which Ancient Language Are You Test written by imipak on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Monday, August 27, 2007
The IT Crowd returns with a second series.
One of the funniest new shows from last year, The IT Crowd started it's second series last week on Channel 4 in the UK.
The IT Crowd is a classic styled sitcom, set in the IT department of a large company, that tells the story of two stereotypical IT guys Roy and Moss.
The series is great, and as I have posted before, there is an American version of the show coming out, but it appears to be soo good that it got bumped from the fall line-up, and designated for mid-summer replacement status for next year.
The big bummer about the US show getting bumped back is that the US DVD release for series one of the British show has also been bumped back.
At least through the wonders of the internets us ex-IT guys can still watch a great show.
Monday, August 6, 2007
A+ for volume

We nabbed not only the award for Best Drama, but also the award for Audience Favorite.
So a giant huzzah to the cast, crew and everyone that supported us!
I know that Derek (at the Trinity Fest) and David (at the Indie Gathering) did a lot of networking over the weekend and as the awards from both shows attest, they were getting a lot of positive feedback from festival goers and runners.
It looks like Derek and I will be doing another local TV interview tomorrow evening. Derek failed to tell me who it's for or when it airs, but press is press.
So to recap that's 2 festivals in 2 cities, 4 nominations with 3 wins in 1 day.
Not bad.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Broken hits the film fest scene

Broken cast and crew at the Trinity Film Festival in Detroit, originally uploaded by annethelibrarian.
"broken" hit it's first two film festivals today.
One in Detroit, one in Cleveland.
I went to support the film at the Trinity Film Festival in Detroit along with Derek Justice (one of the two directors), Steve Hopton (one of the lead actors), Jayk Hanna (actor), and Adam Hill (actor/P.A.).
We had a pretty good turnout, and after the showing the cast and crew were interviewed for a local cable program.
Hopefully the showing at The Indie Gathering in Cleveland went as well or better. The other director, David DeLeon, was representing the film there. We won an award at that festival so that's already pretty sweet. We got best Crime/Drama feature film.
We won't know until tomorrow if we won anything at Trinity.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
It's about frelling time!

It's coming back via brand new live action webisodes on
There is still no word on who will be in it, but I would expect both Ben Browder and Claudia Black to be reprising their roles as their current Sci-Fi channel show Stargate SG-1 just ended it's run.
I really hope they bring back many, if not all the Australian cast from the series, and that this will lead Farscape back to television (and beyond).
It seems to me that this would be a sign that maybe the Sci-Fi channel is listening to fans and are starting to realize that they may have canceled the show a bit prematurely. This is a good way for them to test the waters a bit, and see how this project is received by the fans.
Thanks to:
Sci Fi Wire
Monday, July 16, 2007
Doctor Who series 3
Smith and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Human Nature
The Family of Blood
The Sound of Drums
Last of the Time Lords
"Simp"ly me

I went and turned myself into a Simpson's character using the avatar creator on the Simpson's Movie website.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Last of the Time Lords
Here it is almost a full week since the final episode of series three, and I'm just getting around to posting my thoughts.
This final episode was a good overall representation of series three. Parts of it were great, and parts of it were, to put it kindly, not as great.
On to the spoilers and the ever popular whatnot.
Russell T. Davies keeps trying to outdo himself, and it doesn't always work. For the most part LotTL works as a spectacular end to series three. We see Martha come into her own, the defeat of the Master and the Doctor's triumph. It's just that the telling of these things leaves a bit to be desired.

"Doctor, look at all that destruction that the audience just has to take our word on that it's there."
I liked how the story picks up a year after the last episode, and we are made to feel (in a small TV show budget way) that that time has passed on Earth, but on the Master's flying fortress the Valiant, it feels as no time has passed. Sure the Doctor lives in a tent, and Martha's family are dressed as servants, but they could have redressed the set a bit more, make the Doctor's clothes shabbier or something.

The Master and Doctor Dobby
And while that is a minor nit, I really could have done without the Doctor turned into Dobby the house-elf. Why, when aged umteen years, does the Doctor shrink into a gnome-like creature? And why did they make him a little suit just like his normal clothes? That was just stupid. What, the Master felt the Doctor needed to be dressed well while being humiliated? If the guys at The Mill could have come up with an original look for the ancient Doctor, then maybe that bit might have worked for me, but as it was it was just silly.

The power of the Doctor compels you!
Then at the end, just because Martha traveled the world telling everyone about the Doctor, and to think about him at precisely the same time around the world, the energy of their thoughts somehow flows into the Master's satellite network and makes the Doctor de-age hundreds of years (not to mention makes his Dobby-sized clothes change back into Doctor-sized clothes), makes him fly, and gives him god-like powers and a glowy forcefield. As someone I know said it was the clap for Tinkerbell scene. "I do believe in the Doctor!"

The invading heads in balls from the future
And even though time gets spun back to before the invasion, and most of the world forgot that the Master took over the Earth and the Doctor saved them, I really really hope that they can come up with a better end for series four than to have the earth invaded yet again.

If you look closely, you might make out the devastation on Earth.
I would have liked to see some shots of the destruction the the world, rather than just hear about it. I know they have a limited budget, but it seems easy enough to slip in a couple quick shots. Maybe that would have been too horrific for a family show?

Who's picking up the Master's ring? Mrs. Saxon?
I'm glad that this doesn't really seem to be the end of the Master, but disappointed that it looks like John Simm won't be back in the role. That's the problem with casting a big, or rising, star. I felt that with just two episodes he didn't have enough time to flesh out his character. but that's the world of this new fast paced Doctor Who.

So how exactly did the Titanic crash into the TARDIS console room?
We'll have to wait until X-mas to find out.
Over all I'm happy with season three, and eagerly await the X-mas special, Torchwood series two, and season four of New Who.
It's good to have Doctor Who back on TV, and almost feels like it never went off. Tonight starts series three season on Sci-fi Channel here in the US, so I'm sure that'll bring in a few more hits to my blog. I know that there have been a few people checking out these reviews/thoughts of series three, and thanks for stopping by.
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Sound of Drums
Yes, spoilers and etc as usual.
Part two of the three-part series three finale picked up with a super brief explanation of how the Doctor fixed Jack's Vortex manipulator to get them to current day London, England, Earth only to find that The Master is dum-dum-dummmmmm the new Prime Minister, Harold Saxon. Not much of a surprise, but it gets the story rolling along at the accustomed break-neck speed.

The latest Master is a gas.
John Simm offers a quite different interpretation of the Master than we've seen before. He's much more insane, and not quite as somber as previous incarnations. They also breeze past how the Master's even alive, with some brief mention about the Timelords resurrecting him to help fight the Time War, and him running away and becoming human to hide.

Greeting from sunny Gallifrey
There is some interesting revisionist history about Gallifrey and some background on how the Master may have become insane and evil.

The Doctor's looked better.
The Doctor and Master have some interesting dialog together, and I hope that John Simm as the Master becomes a reoccurring character.

Balls of death descend upon London.
This episode leaves us with yet another attack on Earth, and makes one wonder how long we can survive with all these invasions since the Doctor has returned to our screens (Slitheen, Daleks, Cybermen, Racnoss, etc.).
Just one more episode of this series, then it will be a long wait until X-mas for more Doctor Who.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Quite a whirlwind episode that is classic New Who, and that's not exactly a great thing.
Spoilers ahead, not only for this episode, but also for Torchwood.
You've been warned.
"Utopia" started off running, and didn't stop for a breath much along the way.

The Doctor's not pleased to see Captain Jack
The Doctor and Martha stop off in Cardiff to let the TARDIS refuel on the time rift. When Captain Jack spots the blue box he makes a mad dash for it. The Doctor sees Jack on the monitor and tries to leave before he can get there, and in new series lunacy Jack somehow manages to not only grab onto the dematerializing TARDIS and ride it through the time vortex, it also seems that he causes the ship to travel to the end of known time. Further than the Timelords have ever been according to the Doctor.

Captain Jack's wild ride
How is it that we keep going "further than we've ever been"? To the end of the Earth, the creation of the Earth, the end of time. We can't always be going the furthest we've ever been. Can we?

Hail, hail, the gang's all here.
And when they land on this far future planet, Jack seems to recognize the Doctor right off, fully aware of regenerations. There are some good moments that explain how Jack became un-killable, got off the space station in the far future, and has had to live through the past one hundred years on Earth to catch up with the Doctor again, but there isn't too much time for chatting as, per usual, the Doctor and his companions end up in the middle of a major fuster-cluck.

I have pointy teeth, tattoos, and piercings, I MUST be evil, huh?
It seems that in this far distant future the normal humans are being threatened by mutated/evolved humans that have pointy teeth. That's all the info we get. That they have pointy teeth. Why do they want to attack the regular humans? No clue. But it makes for a lot off running, shooting, and things that go boom.

I exist to become a toy.
Meanwhile the local scientist, Professor Yana, is working with his insectoid assistant ( gotta have an alien) to finish a rocket that will take everyone to Utopia. What is Utopia? It seems to be a place they heard about on the radio, and it's supposed to be swell. End of story.

The Doctor and Professor Yana make a spaghetti computer.
There is next to no character development for anyone other than the leads. We are given no reason why the pointy teeth people hate the regular people. We don't really know what Utopia is, but we do get to see Jack come back from the dead a few times, and the big thing, the one that this whole 45 minutes of TV was designed to do was to re-introduce the Doctor's old foe, The Master.
Thus setting up the final two episodes, and hopefully a re-occurring villain.

Yana's not here anymore.
You see, Professor Yana was actually the Master, but using the DNA changing pocket watch that was first mentioned in the story before last he was made human, and didn't know who he was. Then the Doctor showed up and changed all that.
It's still a mystery as to who changed the Master and why, but hopefully that will be addressed. We also don't know how this all fits into classic continuity, as the last time the Master was on screen (in the TV movie, which is cannon despite some fans wishes), he was absorbed into the TARDIS.
While I think that that was a good story idea, I really wish they could have introduced the magic pocket watch earlier in the series to make it more established before using it again, and I thought it was absolutely STUPID that he was named Yana, just so when the doctor realized who Yana was we saw flashbacks of The Face of Boe saying You Are Not Alone, aka YANA. Hit us over the fucking head with it why don't you?

The episode ends on a cliffhanger as a mortally wounded Master locks himself in the Doctor's TARDIS, regenerates, and then buggers off, leaving the Doctor and crew stranded in the future (not counting Jack's magic time travel watch).

The Master reborn
I did really enjoy this episode, but as with so many new series episodes, it needed to be fleshed out WAY more. Some of the classic eps can be plodding when they try to fill up 4, 6, 8, or more 25 minute episodes, but most all of the new episodes that are only 45 minutes are too rushed. They try to fit too much into the alloted time.

The Doctor is stranded.
We don't get to know these future humans, or who they're fighting, so other than they are humans, why do we care if they live or die, or if they head off to Utopia or Mars? This episode could have have had any random situation calling for the Doctor's help. The only key points are bring back Jack and the Master. Kind of sad that this was the best they could do.
After the last three exceptionally well written episodes this one only had the wow factor of those two characters coming back to the show, along with some flashy special effects.
But bottom line is we have new Who, it's doing great in the ratings, and that means more stories, and more chances for greatness.
I can live with that.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Bride of What Lies Beneath
He and helperboy showed up around 3PM and they filled the holes with pea gravel, hauled away all the debris, and plumberman broke out some more floor and replaced the floor drain near the washtub. The old drain had a hole in the side from when the floor drainage system was installed piss-poorly.

Filling in nicely
So now everything drains the way it's supposed to, and the only thing left to do is for us to put down the new cement to fill the holes.
He suggested that we wait a week or more to make sure everything works as expected (and tested) before putting down the cement. We sure don't want to have to have him bust it all back out if there was a problem. I really don't foresee any problems, but we will wait a couple weeks to be safe.

Some mopping to be done yet
They did leave quite a mess on the floors from all the sludge that had been piled up there. It will take a hefty bit of mopping and scrubbing to get it all up.
And luckily there was just enough space to get the washer and dryer hooked up, but we had to put some plywood down to get the washtub back in place.

Not pretty, but it works.
Plumberman gave me his cell number so once we get all the cement down, he can come out and install the cleanout covers and cut down the drain pipes. He left the drain pipes long to cement around. He said that he could do that for no charge, so that's nice.
So, while we are not 100% done, we are in much better shape than we have been in a while.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Uncle of What Lies Beneath
Or at least that was the plan.
Last Thursday he came out for day two, and was planning on returning the next day to finish it up, and bring a "kid from the yard" to clean up all the debris while he worked.
Well, he was unable make it out Friday, but they scheduled him for Monday morning between 9 and 10. We also had the installation of new windows scheduled for 10, but as plumber man was going to be in the basement, and window men upstairs, they could work at the same time.
Window man 1 showed at 9:57 and promptly got to work, with window man 2 showing up 30 minutes later. At 11 I called the plumber man's boss to inquire and was told he was on an emergency call, and they would let us know what time he'd make it out.

Holey Holes!
He eventually made it out around 2:30 and stayed until almost 7. We still have holes in the floor, very large holes. We have less holes than last week, but that is because some holes have joined forces to become one big hole.
He did get everything all tied together though. Now we have a drainage system that circles the entire basement, and is tied into the storm drain. So any water that get under the basement will drain away. Huzzah!

Piles and holes and pipes and things.
We also have the aforementioned holes still, as well as piles of nasty sludgy gravel, concrete chunks, and clay.
The only thing left to do is to remove/replace the floor drain by the washer, as he found that one also had a hole knocked in the side of it to (theoretically) tie into the old drainage system, finish installation of the cleanouts, fill in all the holes with pea gravel, and haul away all the sludgy piles.

The plumber gave us piles.
That was supposed to be today's task, but as he left so late last night, he ended up booked for today already, and it has now become tomorrow's task.
Fingers are crossed that we will have this finished by the end of the day tomorrow.
Then we will still need to let everything sit a week or so to make sure everything stays dry like we expect, then we get to put in the concrete ourselves to finish it up, but that should be no problem. We just have to be able to move the washer and dryer back into place before then so we can have some clean clothes.
The more I saw as he opened up the floor to fix this thing, the more I understand why the company that initially put in the drainage system are no longer in business.
What a mess, but the new windows are great!

As usual there are more pictures to see. Just click on any pictures to go to my Flickr account.
I'm not certain why when they only do 13 episodes a year, 14 if you count the X-mas eps, there is a need to do an episode without much of the Doctor and his companion.
And after last series lite episode, I had hoped they'd not try again this year. But it seems that they want to make 13 episodes, and want to give the lead actors some time off.
So as this episodes started I was well ready to not like it. As it started with characters we had never heard of, I was thinking why not tell a story that gives more background to Martha's family a bit as they are actually connected to the show already, and that could flesh out more of what's to come for the rest of this series.
But as the episode progressed, I was soon hooked.
Spoilers and timey-wimey stuff follows.
This story was so far above last years lite episode that it's not even fair to compare the two.

An important message from 1969.
The premise that there are creatures that send people back in time was an inventive way to trap the Doctor and Martha in the past and have to communicate with someone in the future to get the TARDIS back.

"It's a timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff."
While it would be fun to see more of the Doctor and Martha's adventures in 1969, the actual story unfolds much better when told as a mystery being unraveled in the present. And the Doctor communicating via DVD easter eggs was very inventive.

You know this will be an easter egg on the season 3 set.
This was probably the most creative use of time travel in a Doctor Who story to date. And as such it may leave some people scratching their heads, but that's a good thing. get them thinking a bit.

Blink and they'll getcha!
This story is already one of my all-time favorites.
If the final three eps are as good as these last three, and I have to admit my hopes are up after these, this season will be the best of the new Who.
Fingers crossed.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Son of What Lies Beneath
The plan was for the plumber to come out and dig up the biggest hole (where one end of the black pipe ended) to break out the clay pipe back to where (he hopes) it connects to the black drainage pipe on that side of the basement.

Still digging, still finding clay.
He realized that it was going further than he had expected, and did a few exploratory holes to see just how far the black pipe comes toward where it needs to tie in to the storm drain.
In doing so he realized that when they put the system in they couldn't dig under the hot water tank, and most likely it just stops on one side, and continues on the other. And as we got rid of that tank and replaced it with a tankless, there is no longer a tank in the way.

Digging around the water heater.
So no the plan is for him to return Monday, dig back from the big hole about 4 feet to tie into the black pipe in that area, dig up where the water tank was and make sure that there is continuous black drainage pipe in that corner, and then put in all the drains cleanouts and tie it all into the storm drain.
And while he's doing that we should have a crew upstairs replacing our circa 1968 aluminum single pain windows with some shiny new fiberglass double pain windows.
Monday, June 4, 2007
What Lies Beneath
One thing that we have had a problem with since last November is some minor flooding in the basement. When we bought the house we were happy to find out that the previous owners had a basement drainage system installed, so when water appeared we were concerned. No fear though as the system came with a LIFETIME guarantee. As luck would have it we could not get in touch with the company using the numbers on the original paperwork, and and after much investigation, we found that not only was the company no longer in existence, the address listed on the paperwork was a residence in a nearby subdivision.
We've had a few plumbers out to look things over and give us an idea of what can be done. We weren't sure if we could salvage the system, or if maybe we should get a sump pump installed. The plumber we decided to go with suggested, after trying to run a camera through the drainage system, that our best bet was to open up the floor in a couple places so he could a.) install some drainage cleanout areas, as there were none, and b.) remove a grate in one of the drains that was preventing him from getting a snake through to clear it.

Holes number one (foreground) and two (in proccess)
This morning he started the work. When he opened up the floor around the drain with the grate, he found that rather than having a grate, it actually had a slice of corrugated drainage pipe blocking the drain along with a 5x7 sheet of thick plastic.
So basically if you stuck your hand down the floor drain prior to the opening of the floor, rather than there being a trap (like in any drain) your fingers would hit the slice of corrugated pipe (which felt like a grate) and behind that was the sheet of plastic. What the?! OK, very odd, but as he was planning on removing the grate and replacing the drain, not that bad.

The little floor drain that couldn't
Next he opened up the floor where that drain connected to the rest of the drainage system that runs around the entire perimeter of the basement. Nothing weird or shocking there, other than the water level was very high, and had also been so when he opened up the aforementioned drain.
From here he was able to run a camera both ways along the drainage tubing. one way he was able to go about 30 feet before hitting what looked like a wall of gravel. The other way he was able to go about 14 feet until the tubing was crushed a little. Not so bad that water wouldn't flow, but too much for the camera to pass by.
He decided to see if the snake would clear the gravel area as we still hadn't seen how this could connect with the storm drain. He was able to get the snake to the gravel area, and asked me to listen by the storm drain to see if I could hear the snake. I could hear it, but saw no resulting water flow in the storm drain.
As I could hear the snake right next to where we wanted the system to drain off, he decided to open the floor next to the storm and sanitary cleanouts. When he did, he found something very curious. The drainage tubing led right up to the outside of the sanitary pipe, and just ended in gravel. That's why I could hear the snake over there, and why the camera showed a wall of gravel when it stopped.

This is where the drainage system was meant to go?
So when they put in this drainage system they never tied it into anything to actually drain it anywhere. All they seemed to do was to put a 4 inch moat around the basement. Did they think that this would hold all the water that would seep under the house, or did they not care and this is why they are no longer in business?

See that pipe buried in the water?
Anyway, we now know why the water wasn't draining away. The plumber snapped the top of the storm drainpipe off so the excess water would drain away. He will return in a day or two to tie the drainage tubing into the storm drain, put in the cleanout, replace the floor drain, and close everything back up nice and neat.

This is the same pipe after letting the water drain.
The water level in the areas he opened up has dropped dramatically now that the drainage system is actually able to drain someplace. I can't wait until we are able to work on the basement without any worry of water damage to our things.
Owning a house is fun.
The Family of Blood
Can you guess what's to follow?

Off to see the Wizard?
This episode picks right up where last week's left off, and if they were edited together you wouldn't even know where one ended, and the other began.

By the power of Graywatch!
We got a really good look at what the Doctor would be like as a human, and maybe just how much he would like to be able to settle down, and not have to be the savior all the time. This story really showed just how alien and alone he is.

He's old!
There really isn't a whole lot more new story points added to this episode, rather just closing up all the open ones from last week. I had hoped for a little more explanation about who/what the family of blood are, but I suppose a mystery is good at times also.

Out the door wit ya!
At the end of this episode we see a very vindictive side to the Doctor. One that has thus far only been hinted at with some of his dialog early on in season two. The fact that he doesn't kill The Family is in keeping with his personality, but to keep them alive for eternity, trapped in various states of being is a cruel side we have not seen before. Maybe this will come back to haunt him in the future, or past.

Farewell, for now