Broken cast and crew at the Trinity Film Festival in Detroit, originally uploaded by annethelibrarian.
"broken" hit it's first two film festivals today.
One in Detroit, one in Cleveland.
I went to support the film at the Trinity Film Festival in Detroit along with Derek Justice (one of the two directors), Steve Hopton (one of the lead actors), Jayk Hanna (actor), and Adam Hill (actor/P.A.).
We had a pretty good turnout, and after the showing the cast and crew were interviewed for a local cable program.
Hopefully the showing at The Indie Gathering in Cleveland went as well or better. The other director, David DeLeon, was representing the film there. We won an award at that festival so that's already pretty sweet. We got best Crime/Drama feature film.
We won't know until tomorrow if we won anything at Trinity.
Keep your fingers crossed.
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