I've just not gotten around to posting anything since November.
It's not that I haven't had a lot of post ideas, just that I haven't been able to pull myself away from whatever else I was doing. I've got a few post ideas lined up and hope to get back to at least a weekly post if not better. Some of the thoughts I want to share are this season of Doctor Who so far, the excellent looking new classic Doctor Who figures coming out, what I think of the Xbox 360 I was lucky enough to get for X-mas, the plethora of summer blockbusters this year, and a bunch of other random thoughts.
So for the 4 people who regularly check for updates;
STAY TUNED.........
Ooh, ooh, am I one of the four?
I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to post anything again. Got you in my RSS feed and was stunned, STUNNED, to see a new entry. :-)
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