Spooky Skeleton King
The game is called Dungeon Runners, and it plays just a very bit exactly like you would expect Diablo to play if it were a 3D MMORPG. I didn't team up with any other players, but had a blast running through the woods, dungeons, rocky landscapes, etc. killing Wargs, Oroks, and various other nasties. They also got some experience with killing me as well.

That's my Framston
Of course there is a small catch to the whole "free" aspect of the game, but not a deal breaking one. For a small fee of US $4.99/month you can get a "Membership Package" that includes; Access to the higher level loot in the game (you can still get these items from monsters etc. and sell them with the free account, but you just can't equip them), Log-in queue priority (not a problem right now), Bank Storage, and Stacking Potions (this would really help conserve space in your inventory). More members only perks are rumored to be forthcoming.

Framston takes in Townston and shows off his new hat.
The game has a pretty good sense of humor and some bad puns throughout. There are NPCs that speak in a bad imitation of Sean Connery's voice with lame, but funny Bond references, the main town is called Townston, and the items and equipment you pick up have some truly bizarre names.

Intergalctic Tarnished Decoder Ring of the Rabble-rousing Crocodile
Wacky name, sweet stats, and members only
I decided I wanted a magic user. The only other choices were Warrior and Ranger. I liked the idea of trowing around fireballs and lightning (which you just happen to start with as a Mage). As you earn money and experience you can train in many other spells or skills depending on your class. You can even learn skills from the other classes if you like.

My favorite magic attack.
Lightning can hit up to 5 enemies at once.
The game is nowhere near as deep or diverse as the big MMORPGs like WoW or Everquest, but for a dungeon crawler it's pretty fun, and for free it's a great way to pass a few hours/days.
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