Last night we went to see the Kids in the Hall do a live show at the Royal Oak Music Theatre.
There was a 7 & 11 show, and we had opted for the later "adult" show. Not sure what the difference between shows was, but ours was hilarious, but I digress, let's wind back the story a bit.
We had plans to meet friends for dinner at 8, and we ended up getting to RO a half hour early. We decided to walk around the city a bit while we waited for them to arrive.
We only made it to the other end of the block from the theatre when we noticed a large group of people, some tents, and police holding back traffic. When I first realized it was a film crew, I thought "cool, they're shooting a commercial or something", then I noticed that there were quite a few movie style "director" chairs with "Prayers for Bobby" stitched along the back. This was a movie crew, not a commercial crew. It looked too small for a major motion picture crew, so I was wondering if this was some local independent film crew (with obviously waaaaay more money than we had with "broken"). As I was looking around to see what all was going on, and to see if I recognized anyone from anything, Anne called to me to point out that Sigourney Weaver was standing not 20 feet in front of her! We saw her for about a minute or two, and she was off. Apparently done for the day.
Clouds started rolling in, and they only had the time for two more takes before they started to wrap for the day. We watched them pack up some equipment, and right about that time our friends drove by looking for a parking spot. We headed to the restaurant to grab a table, and started looking up details about what we just saw on the internet via Anne's Blackberry. Ain't tech sweet!
We found that "Prayers for Bobby" is a Lifetime film based on a book of the same name, and Sigourney plays a mother coming to terms with the suicide of her gay son. IMDB doesn't have much info, other than to say that it's in production, and if you get their pro account you can find out more info. That sucked because we saw a few young actors that we thought looked kind of familiar, but couldn't quite place, and had hoped to find out who they were with the aid of good old IMDB. Anne took some pictures, but they are still on her camera as I write this.
EDIT: Anne's pics are now on her Flickr account.
After an excellent dinner, we saw the afore mentioned "hilarious" Kids in the Hall show. We had great seats in the center of the theatre, but unfortunately the theatre is configured for people to stand at music events, and as such the seats we had were folding chairs all on a level floor. Meaning we had to crane our necks left and right to see the stage around the people in front of us. Even so, the show was super mega funny, and the Kids couldn't help but interact with the audience as people spontaneously combusted with shrieks of laughter or screamed out they loved one Kid or the other.
There were a few moments where they would make each other break up on stage. In one sketch Kevin wore a sweater that turned out to be Scott's favorite sweater that he thought he had lost the night before at a bar while evidently quite drunk. After they were all breaking up at Scott's surprise, and lack of a decent comedy cover for same, they had to break out of the sketch, explain to us the significants of the sweater and then continue the sketch. Bits like that just made us feel "in" on things and made it that much more personal.
They have definitely aged a bit, but then haven't we all. But other than being a little more paunchy or wrinkly than they used to be, they were the same old troop, with the same sense of humor we loved. The show used some pre-taped bits on the screen behind them in between some sketches, used slides to set scenes, and had a good mix of new characters and ones from their TV show, and all the material was new stuff, nothing recycled from TV.
All in all it was an excellent night.