The new trailer for the live-action Transformers movie is out.
Yep, Optimus Prime, Megatron, toy cars that turn into toy robots, those are the ones.
The teaser that came out earlier this year was lame at best, but this full trailer has me excited for more.
It's much, MUCH darker looking than the original cartoon. It's been compared to a cross between a disaster & horror film. And with Micheal Bay at the helm, you know it's gonna be full of action and explosions.
Head over here and check out the trailer. I recommend the full screen HD version myself.
Let's just hope it's actually good.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
More than meets the eyes
Micheal Bay,
Optimus Prime,
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I got game!
Checked the mail today, and there was a little package from Playstation Underground (if you have a PS2, and are not an Underground member, head over and sign up). They frequently send out new game announcements, fancy glossy PS3 ad magazine/book/things, and most importantly, game demos.
This was the latter.
It was a nice little CD sized package, that when opened revealed a folded up pirate flag, poster, and of course the game demo. The demo is for Level 5's latest RPG Rogue Galaxy, due out next month.
Level 5 brought us the wonderful Dragon Quest VIII, as well as the Dark Cloud series.
I have wanted this game from the moment I heard about it. I really like the other games that Level 5 has produced, and this one looks to be as good as, or better than those.
I was heading out to the store when I checked the mail, so didn't have time to try the demo then, and when I got home there was a package in the door.
Another game.

This time it was a full game. I had entered a contest at to win a copy of a game called Thrillville, and I won!
I hadn't heard of the game before entering, but it was a themepark construction sim made by Lucas Arts, and I tend to like their games, so I entered. The game came with a Thrillville folder and a congratulatory note from the evil Usagi-san of whom I had to become a minion of in order to enter the contest.
So now I have to decide which to try first.
I will probably go with the demo, as that will be shorter, but I know it will leave me wanting and waiting for more.
This was the latter.

Level 5 brought us the wonderful Dragon Quest VIII, as well as the Dark Cloud series.
I have wanted this game from the moment I heard about it. I really like the other games that Level 5 has produced, and this one looks to be as good as, or better than those.
I was heading out to the store when I checked the mail, so didn't have time to try the demo then, and when I got home there was a package in the door.
Another game.

This time it was a full game. I had entered a contest at to win a copy of a game called Thrillville, and I won!
I hadn't heard of the game before entering, but it was a themepark construction sim made by Lucas Arts, and I tend to like their games, so I entered. The game came with a Thrillville folder and a congratulatory note from the evil Usagi-san of whom I had to become a minion of in order to enter the contest.
So now I have to decide which to try first.
I will probably go with the demo, as that will be shorter, but I know it will leave me wanting and waiting for more.
Level 5,
Lucas Arts,
Playstation Underground,
Rogue Galaxy,
video games
Friday, December 15, 2006
Keep on Trekkin'
It looks like the world of Star Trek may be coming back into the spotlight in a big way soon.
Not only is there a new Trek film in development with J.J.Abrams (Alias, Lost, MI:III) producing and directing, there is also talk of a new animated series in the works.
I am very hopeful about the new film being in the hands of Abrams as I really liked Alias (for the first 3 or so seasons, at least), love Lost so far, and thought MI:III was a fun roller coaster ride. Rumors abound about what the new film will be about, with the front runner being a prequel to the original series with a recast young Kirk and Spock. With Matt Damon's name being bandied around for Kirk's role. I could see that working. Just PLEASE not Affleck as Spock.
The other possible new Trek, the animated series, I'm not as sure about.
The basic idea I really like, but they want to do 6 minute mini-episodes for the web, with TV and DVD releases later, similar to the Star Wars: Clone Wars series. I'm not as keen on the need to shorten everything into bite sized pieces, as that tends to leave you with a not as fleshed out story or characters. But the plan is to flesh out the new series with various web content on the Star Trek site.
If they planned on doing the series based in an already established Trek time period that would better suit this shorter format, as the core audience would already be familiar with characters and conflicts, but the plan is to base it 150 beyond the Next Generation time period. It could still be good, I would rather have at least half-hour episodes to tell the stories.
You can read more detailed information on the proposed new animated series, as well as any other new Star Trek news over at The Trek Movie Report.

I am very hopeful about the new film being in the hands of Abrams as I really liked Alias (for the first 3 or so seasons, at least), love Lost so far, and thought MI:III was a fun roller coaster ride. Rumors abound about what the new film will be about, with the front runner being a prequel to the original series with a recast young Kirk and Spock. With Matt Damon's name being bandied around for Kirk's role. I could see that working. Just PLEASE not Affleck as Spock.
The other possible new Trek, the animated series, I'm not as sure about.

If they planned on doing the series based in an already established Trek time period that would better suit this shorter format, as the core audience would already be familiar with characters and conflicts, but the plan is to base it 150 beyond the Next Generation time period. It could still be good, I would rather have at least half-hour episodes to tell the stories.
You can read more detailed information on the proposed new animated series, as well as any other new Star Trek news over at The Trek Movie Report.
Have a Coke and a smile

I found this wonderful little piece of art the other day, and it just brought a smile to my face (and made me thirsty).
Click on the picture for a better look, then check out the artist's website for other heartwarming comics and paintings.
Joe Havasy,
polar bears
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Hell Yes
This is just the type of film I'd like to be working on. Just need a lot more money and know how for the special effects they used.
This is the latest project from the Second season of Project Greenlight directors.
They just started a new Comedy/Horror series over at Atom Films called HellHoles.
I think this first episode is great, and I hope they can keep up this quality.
This is the latest project from the Second season of Project Greenlight directors.
They just started a new Comedy/Horror series over at Atom Films called HellHoles.
I think this first episode is great, and I hope they can keep up this quality.
Atom Films,
Project Greenlight,
Monday, December 4, 2006
Rock Spectacular

This Friday is the loooong awaited Skatey-Eight CD release show.
Everyone head to Rubbles in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan for a wild night of music.
Here are a couple of live songs to tide you over until Friday.
The first from Skatey-Eight and the second from Friday's headlining band, The Burning Bushes. Eventually these full shows will be available on DVD.
The Burning Bushes,
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